insert select执行报ora-600 [32695]

问题描述 应用人员报障说每月都在执行的一个sql今天突然怎么也执行不下去,并报如下错误: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [32695], [hash aggregation can't be done], [], [], [], [], [], [] 操作系统为SUNOS 5.10,Oracle版本为:,单机环境 执行的SQL语句为: INSERT INTO MID_DM_RPT_COMP_SUB_PROD_M SELECT COMP_AREA_ID, COMP_CITY_ID.....省略.... 经查询mos并找到如下文档ORA-600 [32695] [hash aggregation can't be done] (文档 ID 729447.1) 该文档给出的解决办法如下: 禁用hash group by SQL> alter system set "_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled"=false scope=spfile; SQL> alter session set "_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled"=false; 通过在SQL语句中添加hint NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION绕过bug

insert select语句报ORA-32690:Hast Table Infrastructure ran out of memory

系统环境 OS:SUNOS 5.10 DB:Oracle 问题现象 用户在pl/sql developer上执行insert select 语句报报ORA-32690,如图: 问题分析 根据文档(Query crash with ORA-32690 -- Bug 6471770. (文档 ID 960690.1))得知,该问题是由于Bug 6471770所致。 Bug 6471770影响的版本:及之后的版本,并在11.2中被修复。 MOS上给出的解决办法: Cause This seems to be Bug 6471770. - Known bug on database version - The workaround is resolving the issue. The bug is fixed in 11.2 release. Solution: So